Promos… It’s time to get to work!

Many of the different promotional work for this Fall Open Studio over at the Hunters Point Shipyard is coming together.

I hope you have already received some 🙂 ..especially the catalog that’s awesome to have when walking around looking at art, meeting artists, takeing notes of what you see etc.

Check out my work and studio during this years Open Studio!

Check out my work and studio during this years Open Studio!

Postcards for sale at this years Open Studio :)

Postcards for sale at this years Open Studio 🙂

Starting prep for Fall Open Studios..

Artspans ‘ArtLaunch’ will soon open it’s doors and I’m framing a new piece for the show. Here I’m choosing which one should be framed hang at SOMA.. the rest of this series will be showned at the Cataclysmic Megashear Ranch – Weekend 3.

I’ll also be showing my work at Hunters Point Shipyard from my studio 101-1306 druing weekend 4.

Selecting what image I should frame for ArtLaunch.

Selecting what image I should frame for ArtLaunch.
© 2013