Live at Sights and Sounds from Bayview

What a wonderful evening we had with great music by Pat Wilder & Serious Business and yummy food! The sun was out and people were dancing and laughing.

At 7pm they started telling their stories and it was a really interesting night learning about great and inspiriting people.
Below are some photos from the projects that I was part of.

Tomorrow, Thursday this month’s BayView Third on 3rd.

Come over and enjoy a fun evening at the Bayview Opera House on Sept, 19th.
The event 3rd on Third is also happening and you will find local food, art and music!
3rd Street between McKinnon and Quesada avenues 5.30 – 9PM.

San Francisco Arts Commission and KALW are show casing Story Telling Performances  where they are highlighting some of the many extra ordinary people from Bayview.
A small exhibition and the stories are shown in the Opera House from 7-8.30PM.

Of 7 stories I had the pleasure to document three; Bayview Senior Center – Linedance, Juana Tello – POWER, and Food Guardian Kenneth Hill.

Come on over it will be a blast!

See program!

Bettye Garner and Essie Reed sharing a secret before class

Bettye Garner and Essie Reed sharing a secret before class
©Photo by Pernilla Persson, 2013

Secure Parking at Super Save Market (at McKinnon Ave and Third) with a free trolley to the Bayview Opera House.


Learn about health and nutritious food with Kenny Hill and the Food Guardians in Bayview.

@ Sights and Sounds of Bayview, a live story telling event on September, 19th, 5.30-9pm at 4705 Third Street with Oakdale Ave in Bayview.

Health and Nutritions, Food Guardians.

Health and Nutritions, Food Guardians. © 2013

Live radio at Bayview Opera House – Stop by!

3rd on Third, Thursday September 19th 5.30 – 9PM.  Stop by and check out the live radio event featuring stories about the remarkable people who live, work, and make a positive impact in the neighborhood of Bayview / Hunters Point.

Poster SFAC/KALW for 3rd on Third event

5:30-6:30 Blues musician Pat Wilder and the Serious Business + local food and drink
7:00-8:30 Sights and Sounds of Bayview

A congregation of former gang members turned clergymen who feel called by Christ to help young men leave violent street life, by independent producer Christopher Johnson. Photographed by Kevin B. Jones.

Bayview native Raquel Miller, who transformed herself from street-fighting teen to Olympic hopeful, by independent producer and Snap Judgment contributor Mitzi Mock. Photographed by Malaika Kambon.

A neighborhood organization pushing for safer streets and stronger community that has blossomed into the Quesada Gardens Initiative, by KALW reporter Jen Chien. Photographed by Kevin B. Jones.

A group of Bayview seniors who find support, friendship, and a healthy dose of movement at their weekly dance class, by KALW reporter Leila Day. Photographed by Pernilla Persson.

Juana Tello follows in her parents’ footsteps by organizing working class communities of color as a youth organizer with People Organized to Win Employment Rights, by SFAC arts administrator and producer Cristal Fiel. Photographed by Pernilla Persson.

Food Guardian Kenneth Hill, who helps ensure Bayview residents have access to healthy foods, and the knowledge to live happy lives, by KALW reporter Ninna Gaensler-Debs. Photographed by Pernilla Persson.

“Toxic Tour” guide Tracy Zhu, who will give you a lesson in San Francisco’s history, sustainable development, and environmental justice, all from her bicycle, by KALW reporter and independent reporter Laura Flynn. Photographed by R.J. Lozada.

The Bayview YMCA’S James Martin, who launched the Fatherhood Program to empower young men to become the best parent they can be, by Laura Flynn. Photographed by R.J. Lozada.

With sound design by Snap Judgment’s Stephanie Foo and video editing by filmmaker Brian Storm.

Line Dance at Bayview Senior Center

To meet these lovely ladies once a week for a month, to experience their love and joy to move to music has been tremendously fun!
I also followed Marion and Sheila together with Laila Day; during one of their days outside dance class to hear their opinions about staying healthy, active, and social while aging.

Enjoyed learning to know you:

This project is part of a multimedia portrait series called Sights and Sounds of Bayview, a partnership between San Francisco Arts Commission and KALW. The result can be viewed on SFAC’s website in the fall and at the LIVE Radio Show at Bayview Opera House  on September 19th.